“We will look back through our singular and collective actions and at the same time take a step
forward. It’s a healing journey and a hymn for our queer becomings. You are invited to follow our
desire path and join our sticky shivers.”
See more about their work here: https://marfjell.wordpress.com/in-each-others-company/
“They explicitly do affectivity within a queer eco-erotic ethics of polymorphous perversity and care making. They explore conditions for participatory practices in territorial environments by emphasizing the sticky shivers of (self-) touching through vibrating togetherness. Masturbatory cooperation, and a dis-location of those frictions, opens up for an unending dynamism of entanglements aka everything in the name of all things queer.”

Black and white analog photography
‘“These bodies are not extraordinary, they are part of my day-to-day life, they are beautiful, real and touching.” adds Aimé Dabbadie. The pictures provide the viewer with different body identities – gender is not a binary concept anymore, it is multitudes of intersecting identities, superimposed, altered, reclaimed, performed and deconstructed. The goal being to question the relevance of assigning a gender to anyone. The project also questions notions of censorship and pre-established standards of beauty.”
Aimé Dabbadie on Instagram: @emptymindscanfillagain
See Aimé Dabbadie’s website here www.aime-dabbadie.com

A letter based on an essay/love letter published in Astra 4/2021 on the theme ”Care”
“This is care as in health care, as in undergoing treatment, as in treating/tending a memory and kinship, as self-soothing. Self-care – – as in taking care of oneself by taking care of others, as in healing each other by remembering, by taking care of what, those who have been.”
“This letter/grave visit combines sorrow, rage and joy and discusses the treatment of Lindgren – – . Mainly, the artwork attempts to provide care and connect to an elder after death, in an act of care and (be)longing.”
You can read the whole letter in English here: https://frejhaar.se/long-for-karin-lindgren.html
See Frej Haar’s website here: https://frejhaar.se/?lang=en

Body prints. Watercolor on paper
“Drawing on the techniques of vulva prints used by feminist movements, the project gives focus to the visuality of dick clits, clit dicks, mini cocks, testo dicks, manginas.”
“On the conceptual level the project is inspired by queer and trans theories and epistemologies in an attempt at producing alternative imageries for new bodily experiences.”
Collaborations and purchase: Marie-a-@hotmail.com