Keynote by Hil Malatino: Weathering: Slow Arts of Trans Endurance
Tampere UniversityAbstract: In a moment of profound and widespread transantagonism articulated within both liberal-centrist and alt-right political formations, how do trans subjects cultivate arts of endurance? This talk develops a concept of weathering, thinking with the work of contemporary trans writers of fiction (Callum Angus and Torrey Peters), visual artists (Nicki Green and Jes Fan), and...
Keynote by YV Nay: The Affective Life of Trans Studies as a Political Field in Academia and Activism
Tampere UniversityAbstract: Trans Studies have become an epistemological project that challenges who has the power to intervene in violent knowledge production that shape trans lives. The field promises to form a radical critical intervention in pathologizing, criminalizing, marginalizing, and dehumanizing discourses. But what happens when the promise is not fulfilled? How can we imagine the field’s future considering...
The 8th Nordic Trans Studies Conference
From Transgender Rage to Trans Joy: Trans Studies through Affective Lens
CFP: “From Transgender Rage to Trans Joy. Trans Studies through Affective Lens”, The 8th Nordic Trans Studies Network Conference
Over the past three decades, trans related issues have evoked strong affects and feelings within and beyond trans communities and activism. The title of this conference does not thus imply a one-directional movement from rage to joy, but rather aims to cover the vast array of feelings and affective responses arising from, and guiding, the...
Kirjoituskutsu: Liikettä ja vastarintaa: Kirjoituksia queer- ja transaktivismista
Kutsumme kirjoituksia teokseen Liikettä ja vastarintaa: Kirjoituksia queer- ja transaktivismista. Haemme teokseen tutkijoiden ja aktivistien kirjoittamia suomenkielisiä tekstejä, jotka käsittelevät seksuaalisuuden ja sukupuolen moninaisuutta koskevaa aktivismia, vastarintaa ja toimijuutta yhteiskunnan ja kulttuurin eri kentillä. Kirja on tarkoitettu sekä tieteelliselle lukijakunnalle että laajalle yleisölle. Lähestymme teoksessa aktivismia laaja-alaisesti: aktivismi on tietoista ja tavoitteellista toimintaa, joka pyrkii...
Translakivaikuttamisen kokemuskahvila
Oletko ollut mukana vaikuttamassa translain uudistamiseen järjestöissä, kampanjatyössä tai sosiaalisessa mediassa? Haluatko keskustella toisten vaikuttajien kanssa siitä, mikä translakiprosessin etenemisessä on vuosien varrella turhauttanut, mikä vaikuttamistyössä luo uskoa tulevaan ja millaisin taktiikoin lakiuudistusta on eri aikoina edistetty? Haluatko, että translakikampanjoinnin vaiheista ja kokemuksista jää jälki arkistoihin ja että sitä voidaan tutkia nyt ja tulevaisuudessa? Trans...
Call for Papers: Affective Histories of Queer and Trans Activism (Special Issue to be published in SQS in 2023)
Call for Papers: Affective Histories of Queer and Trans Activism (Special Issue to be published in SQS Journal in 2023) ***Deadline extended until August 15*** How have queer and trans activists challenged the repressive status quo in the past? Which forms have queer and trans activism taken over the decades? What role do emotions and...
Keynote by Laurel Westbrook: Fostering Fear: The Unintended Consequences of Identity-Based Anti-Violence Activism
Tampere University Linna building Väinö Linna lecture hallFostering Fear: The Unintended Consequences of Identity-Based Anti-Violence Activism The vast majority of anti-violence activism in the United States occurs within the framework of identity politics. Identity-based movements, such as those to stop violence against people of color, women, and LGBT people, have become so commonplace as to seem to be a natural way to...
Keynote by Elspeth Brown: Care as Affect in Queer and Trans Oral History and Activism
Tampere University Linna building Väinö Linna lecture hall“Care as Affect in Queer and Trans Oral History and Activism” This talk examines queer and trans oral history and archival activism through the lens of care. In the context of trans oral history, I ask: are these projects (including my own) simply an example of trans visibility that intensifies the surveillance and neoliberal representational...
Affective Histories of Queer and Trans Activism: A Workshop with Elspeth Brown and Laurel Westbrook
Tampere UniversityHow have queer and trans activists challenged the repressive status quo in the past? Which forms have queer and trans activism taken over the decades? What role do emotions and affects play in activism – and how can affect theory be utilized in the study of queer and trans histories and temporalities? These are among...
Call for Abstracts: Affective Histories of Queer and Trans Activism: A Workshop with Elspeth Brown and Laurel Westbrook 5-6 May
Tampere UniversityCall for Abstracts:
Affective Histories of Queer and Trans Activism: A Workshop with Elspeth Brown and Laurel Westbrook, 5-6 May 2022, Tampere University, Finland.
How have queer and trans activists challenged the repressive status quo in the past? Which forms have queer and trans activism taken over the decades? What role do emotions and affects play in activism – and how can affect theory be utilized in the study of queer and trans histories and temporalities?
These are among the questions that will be addressed in the workshop on affective histories of queer and trans activism, which is the first event to be organized by the Academy of Finland funded research project “Affective Activism: Sites of Queer and Trans World-Making” (2021-2025).
Rebel Dykes: screening and discussion
NiagaraScreening Rebel Dykes and hosting a discussion Queer Activism in Tampere with a film director Kirsi Marie Liimatainen. Tuula Juvonen in collaboration with Tampere Film Festivals and Friends of Queer History @ Niagara, 18.11.2021. Photos of the event: Venue:
Historian vääryydet 2: Kriminalisoinnin varjot [Historical injustices II: The Shadows of Criminalisation]
Kansallismuseon Vankila Kustaa III:n katu 8, Hämeenlinna, FinlandCo-hosting the event Historian vääryydet 2: Kriminalisoinnin varjot . Tuula Juvonen in collaboration with Vankila Museum/National Museum and Friends of Queer History @ Vankila Museum, Hämeenlinna, 3.11.2021. More information: Organizer: Venue:
Histories of Sexualities, Gender Diversity, and Queer in the Nordic and Baltic Region Conference
OnlineHistories of Sexualities, Gender Diversity, and Queer in the Nordic and Baltic Region Conference, organized by the University of Helsinki, 25.-26.10.2021 Varpu Alasuutari's presentation:Navigating the Affective Landscapes of Christian Queer Activism in Finland Venue: Organizers: