Lotta Kähkönen

Dr. Lotta Kähkönen, research fellow, University of Turku
lotkah@utu.fi / lottamari.kahkonen@tuni.fi
Kähkönen’s current works relates to the project Trans*Creative: Health, Violence and Environment in Transgender Cultural Production (Kone foundation, 2021−2024), which explores how contemporary art and creative practices by and about trans experiences and knowledge engage with the themes of health, violence, and environmental crisis. In Affective Activism project, their subproject Affective Aesthetics of Contemporary Trans Activist Art studies how art by trans artists and communities works as activism both in anticipated and unexpected ways and examines how artistic activism creates affective trajectories for the future.
Kähkönen holds a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature. Their long-time research interest has been in representations of memory work and narratives of transgender and queer lives. In their trans studies focused research, Kähkönen has also analyzed questions of embodiment.